CORONAVIRUS: NOTHING NEW If you want to know the truth about the new viral epidemic you have to do nothing but read again the posts that have been published for years on the blog “Il Virus Intelligente” (there is also an English translation “The Intelligent Virus“).
The Cow Madness And The Prion Genius All that concerns the so called mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) just repeats what we have seen till now. An intensive animal breeding, an infective agent capable to pass to man and bring about Creutzefeldt-Jakob (C J)’s disease which can cause the death of the affected subjects in about six months or one year; and also various suspicions and denials, economic interests thwarting the search after truth.
Emerging Viruses 6°: Ebola Virus Another consideration coming from the recent epidemics of philoviruses (Ebola Virus-Emerging Viruses) is that just the means man made use of to treat diseases cause their outset and their spreading.
Emerging Viruses 4° Personally I think that also the trans-species jump of more viral strains of the same family (Emerging Viruses), at a different pathogenicity and virulence, is part of a definite plan or intelligence of Virus–Nature.
Emerging Viruses 3° Among the emerging viruses the most suitable example to our case is the Psittacosis one, an infective disease caused by viruses which are present in parrots. Till 1929 the disease was very rare, then in 1929-30 there was a sudden explosion of cases, contemporaneously, both in Europe and in North America. It was scientifically proved that the epidemic was connected to the import of parrots from South America to Europe and to North America where many new cases[1] occurred.