THE GENE OF SUICIDE “After her honeymoon she had told me she had never been so happy in her life”. This is what the desperate neo-bride of a twenty-seven year old man, who, near Brescia, committed suicide only a few days after the happy celebration of his marriage, had declared. The man hanged himself inside his own butcher’s concern.
Silent Massacres Three massacres in four weeks only: these are the data of the summer of 2019 coming from America. The first one in California, committed by a nineteen year old fellow who fired into the mob of the Garlic Festival of Gilorly and killed three persons as young as he was, that is 6,13 and 25 years old respectively and at last he hurt himself mortally.
THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS “Tiresias: evil, even if I keep silent,will have an outcome.” [1] With these words Tiresias, a diviner, the personification of the intellect of “divine”nature, addresses Oedipus who represents ephimeral human knowledge and is the one who has passed over the imposed limits, even if unconsciously.
The epidemic of suicides is going on unceasingly and has entered the statistics of death causes as it were one of the many ( cancers, car accidents, homicides etc…) without considering the phenomenon as an unusual one. The numerical increase is going on unceasingly so that, as we read in the previous post, the number of suicides exceeded the one of the dead in wars and violent crimes in 2002.[1]
THE ETERNAL VIRUS I’s recent the piece of news concerning the death of Fernando Aiuti, the 84 year old immunologist who established the ANLAIDS ( The National Association fighting against AIDS).