With these words Tiresias, a diviner, the personification of the intellect of “divine”nature, addresses Oedipus who represents ephimeral human knowledge and is the one who has passed over the imposed limits, even if unconsciously.
But what will happen if human condition, accustomed to everything is allowed, consciously goes over the order of things?
We have already widely dealt with the theory of the system of regulation at genetic feedback (genetic retroaction or negative retroaction) according to which nature, tending to genetic homeostasis, keeps the balance through factors regulating population. Amond these factors we have also included homosexuality, one of nature expedients to try to stop the exponential increase of human population.[2]
Recent news say about an American couple of homosexual women with six adopted children. Despite the children were adopted, therefore no new human being was introduced into population.According to the genetic feedback, having already adopted 6 children reveals an attempt to overcome the laws of nature as well as the will to make profit from the business of adoption.[3] But what happened points out that the mechanism of the negative feedback which has intervened with different modalities can’t be avoided.
The two mothers threw themselves from a cliff on board their Suv on which there were the six children, all of them died on impact. According to the inquiries the crime had been premeditated by the two women who had doped their children by giving them a massive quantity of Benadryl and had made researches on internet that let us perceive their suicidal-homocidal intents.
Two women who decided consciously to die, and six young people who suffered, irrationally, the consequences: a “slaughter of the innocents”, we could call it, a multiple murder just like the homonymous biblical episode Mattew told us where Herod the Great, the king of Judea killed “all the children who lived in Bethlehem and all over the territory and were from one to two years of age”.In fact the cruel king,since he feared his power might be usurped by Jesus, a newborn baby, about whose birth he had been informed by the Magi, decided to get rid of all his hypothetical rivals, even if clearly innocent.
In both cases it’s a question of despotic personalities, one is the king of Judea, the others are severe mothers who killed those who they were to protect: but if in the first case it’s a question of a king eager for power, in the second case why would the two women decide to commit such an extreme gesture?
Suicide mothers who decided to take also their own children with themselves to a homicide-suicide, the specific causes we aren’t interested in,-a presumed depression for a visit by social workers? In our opinion this one should be a superficial and limiting hypothesis-but it can be observed in the widest point of view of the genetic feedback or negative retroaction.
[1] “Τειρεσίας: ἥξει γὰρ αὐτά, κἂν ἐγὼ σιγῇ στέγω.” So Tiresias, a diviner, tries to avoid Oedipus’s questions who doesn’t yet know he is guilty of the plague devastating the city of Thebes: in fact” he will turn out to be brother for his own children and at the same time their father, son for the woman he was born from and also bridegroom, murderer of his father with whom he will share the same wife.” (vv.457-460)
[2] The role of homosexuality in the system of regulation at genetic feedback is analyzed in the post “Gay is born” from “The Intelligent Virus”.
[3] According to what the New-Espress reported it seems women in Texas receive some money from the state, over 2,000 dollars a month, to maintain adopted children – The use of children for profit is reported in the post “The children as a product” from “The Intelligent Virus”.
[4] From Matthew’s Gospel 2:16
Translated from “Il Virus Intelligente” by Enrica Narducci
Ferdinando Gargiulo offers you a new perspective on why new viral epidemics, assaults, infanticides, suicide epidemics and even environmental catastrophes. Always engaged in his research decides to create a blog to offer his readers content of high value.