THE SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENTS “Tiresias: evil, even if I keep silent,will have an outcome.” [1] With these words Tiresias, a diviner, the personification of the intellect of “divine”nature, addresses Oedipus who represents ephimeral human knowledge and is the one who has passed over the imposed limits, even if unconsciously.
Aids Epidemic: Perspectives For The Future According to what we have seen I don’t think man can find a solution of the problem, on the contrary his actions will continue being decisive for granting a way of HIV transmission compared to another one, heterosexual compared to homosexual or drug addiction. In the same way man will be able to determine the features of AIDS epidemic. Always man will be able to select, with his habits, viral strains like the new E subtype at high transmissibility and virulence.
The Parallel Universe (Niños De Rua) Without a family they were abandoned by or they abandoned voluntarly, street children, 100 million all over the world, live in a universe of their own with their principles and rules and above all they haven’t any form of economic exchange with the society that produced them and then threw away like rubbish.
Production Rejects (Child Labour Third Part) minor labour There are situations of exploitation of minors, very similar to the Asiatic ones, also in our country, particularly in the regions where poverty causes child overpopulation. In some cases they are the children of immigrants who, like the Chinese, reproduce, in our country, the conditions of baby worker semi-slavery typical of their origin country, but most of 300 thousand young Italian slaves who, according to the International Confederation of the Free Trade Unions, are compelled to work under fourteen years of age, depend on our fellow countrymen.
Pyramid Builders (Child Labour First Part) Nowadays Pyramid factories don’t exist any longer, also because we couldn’t easily find grown-up slaves for their construction. But there are multinational companies or anyhow industries of every kind for which labour at very low price means the possibility itself of existing.