THE ETERNAL VIRUS I’s recent the piece of news concerning the death of Fernando Aiuti, the 84 year old immunologist who established the ANLAIDS ( The National Association fighting against AIDS).
Blue Whale Suicide as a game, an expression of le mal de vivre The epidemic of suicides is going on unceasingly all over the world. The characteristics of the single episodes are the ones already described in the post 21 of “Le Mal de Vivre“ [1] (an age of the protagonists younger and younger, a lot of futile motives, rather strange methods….).
Death consciousness as the effect of the Original Sin (4th Part) Also suicide is included in the mechanism at genetic feedback or at negative retroaction acting in human population, besides being an illusory attempt to exorcize death cosciousness. There are some other methods, apparently less traumatic, to exorcize the consciousness of being, however, doomed to die. Unbridled hedonism may be one of these.
Death consciousness as the effect of the Original Sin (3° Part) With the original sin we intend as the passing from the ape to homo sapiens, human DNA genes which are dominant on the DNA of all the other living species, apparently got immortality for themselves; all this didn’t occur to their survival machine, that is man himself. The latter, on the contrary, acquires a full conscioueness of his death with the Original Sin.
The Cow Madness And The Prion Genius All that concerns the so called mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) just repeats what we have seen till now. An intensive animal breeding, an infective agent capable to pass to man and bring about Creutzefeldt-Jakob (C J)’s disease which can cause the death of the affected subjects in about six months or one year; and also various suspicions and denials, economic interests thwarting the search after truth.