Likewise the epidemic charcter of suicides also American massacres have assumed an epidemic character: that is they occur at a montly/weekly rhythm. The novelty is that they don’t make news any longer and after some short articles they dissappear just like they were one of the so many road accidents.
Here too, for years, a socio-political explanation has been given to the phenomenon, on referring to the spreading of weapons in the United States and stating how easy the purchase of them were. It’s obvious that, if there are some firearms at the disposal, it’s easier to make a massacre but , without going too far, the epidemic of femicides, carried out in Italy for a long time, doesn’t require weapons since to kill a woman “naked hands” are often enough.
In our opinion also the epidemic of massacres and femicides are explained with the mechanism at genetic feedback or at negative retroaction just as widely proved in the book/blog ” The Intelligent Virus”.
Collaterally we have to point out how news on media isn’t neutral also because it is given or not and how long it’s in evidence. Besides when we can’t “comment”a phenomenon we prefer to forget it simply because it doesn’t make news any longer.
Let’s think, for example, of the word “shock” related to a dramatic event,to a morally unacceptable behaviour, a violent or erotically unequivocal image, it doesn’t make sense any longer when it is used on media too much.
Ferdinando Gargiulo offers you a new perspective on why new viral epidemics, assaults, infanticides, suicide epidemics and even environmental catastrophes. Always engaged in his research decides to create a blog to offer his readers content of high value.