Mechanism At Negative Retroaction Genetic Feedback 2° Now let’s try to understand better how the mechanism at negative retroaction or genetic feedback works. For this we’ll make use of two examples: a natural one and another where man intervention is determinant.
The trans-species jump from the animal reserve (second part) MICROBIOLOGIC CONSEQUENCES OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION Another example how man’s action can influence the spreading of epidemics is given to us by the history of the Spanish conquest of the Americas. When we think of such an enterprise, we are usually convinced it was possible only thanks to the military superiority of the old world inhabitants compared with the Aztecs and the Incas. This theory is true if we consider the Spaniards, besides their guns, brought, unconsciously, those that are called bacteriological weapons according to the modern terminology.
Overpopulation, lack of hygiene and epidemics With the progress of civilization and the increasing of people to be fed man is increasingly looking for new areas to be cultivated. One of the means which is more within reach is cutting down the trees of tropical forests and burning them on the spot to get cultivable soil.
Plague Epidemics From a certain moment on, that is about 40,000 B.C., our ancestor, who, now, has evolved in Homo Sapiens-Sapiens, leaves the African equatorial forest and spread about everywhere on the planet except for the Antarctic zone.
Eden. Man. Environment. Microparassites …Besides God planted a garden in Eden, eastward, and there He settled the man he had shaped. So God made every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food and also the tree of life in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil come out of the soil[1] …And God took man and put him in the garden of Even so that he could cultivate and take care of it. And God gave man this order” But as to the tree of knowledge of good and evil you mustn’t feed on it, because on the day when you feed on positively you’ll die[2].