Let’s not forget it was a gene carrier of light, that is of consciousness and knowledge and therefore a gene linked to the intellective functions of the encephalon. Since it shared nature intelligence, so as we have seen other fragments of Dna have done, like Viruses, it intended to create, with man, a survival machine that, endowed with an intelligence of his own, could free himself from nature intelligence. In this sense the gene was a rebellious angel since it rebelled against Nature-God.
Besides the thorns and troubles[1] of his new condition, it left man the illusion he were the author of his own destiny while it was the gene, together with other fragments of Dna, which were like it,to lay down the law.Actually, besides illusion, in the last few centuries the Genes of the Human Dna have left the field to their survival machines[2] because they were convinced that man could have known how to manage himself and after becoming as powerful as a God, that is superior to any other form of life, he would have warranted them immorality[3].
However intelligent the demons-genes hadn’t probably considered two factors which could have threatened their own existence:
The enormous growth of human Dna to the detriment of the Dna of any other living form is like the situation that occurs in an organism afflicted with cancer; we have already given the example of an animal endowed with cerebral cells that, at a certain point, since they consider themselves superior to the cells of all the other tissues, decide to multiply endlessly: when the support given by the cells of the othe organs fails, encephalon and cancer cells together with it fail as well.
From a perspective different from the anthropocentric one, the population of human genes live in nature together with the populations of genes of different species and form a whole with the same laws regulating the number of the individuals of a definite animal species living together with others.
When the genes of human Dna increase in an excessive way compared with the number of the ones of other living creatures, animals or plants or viruses, those meccanisms at genetic feedback or at negative retroaction we have already seen acting among animal populations might get into action.
Then viruses, aggressiveness and suicide genes should be expression of the mechanism at negative retroaction (or genetic feedback) in human population.
If it were like that, it should mean that the genes of human Dna are subject to the natural laws just the ones of other animals. Probably this may be true and all the calculation the demon made to construct a survival machine, man, above nature, were only an illusion.
But, on the contrary, let’s suppose that the demon gene can have achieved its purpose: to create a survival machine that, with an intelligence of its own, that is free from the one of nature, can be completely independent from the latter and its laws.
Then, why are these genes-demons[5] trying now, with all their power, to stem the abnormal growth of the robots they themselves wanted?
We suppose that, even if at the time they rebelled against nature, they still share its intelligence and have somehow perceived[6] the danger coming from a further growth of human population.
So genes decide to come to an agreement and join forces with Nature-God[7] to eliminate cancer which means an abnormal numerical growth of human population. And in fact it’s in synergy with natural catastrophes that viral epidemics, wars, individual homicidal aggressiveness, epidemics of suicides try in any way to stop the terrible growth of human race
It isn’t the task of this essay, and we don’t intend to do so, suggesting remedies or solutions as to human overpopulation and its consequences.
It’s enough for us thinking we have only tried to explain some phenomenons just on the base and as a direct consequence of overpopulation itself, have confirmed the concept of gene as a constitutive element of life on the earth, have linked one another, as man expressions, disciplines that are apparently quite opposite like science and religion, history and myth, prophecies and predictions only in order to make man understand what kind of risk he is taking because of his own numerical growth.
We would be pleased if we could pass on the readers, only superficially, the absolute necessity the long struggle between man and nature must end and the huge importance of understanding how great the influence of genes on our behaviours and destiny may be.
We are quite convinced that if we deeply study the problems we have dealt with in this essay, for the first time in our history, we could become carriers of light to ourselves.
The alternatives to this new “opening of the eyes”[8] aren’t difficult to be foreseen: or the action of the rebellious genes will prove to be effective to stop the population increase otherwise some natural catastrophes of appalling proportions, as a direct consequence of overpopulation, will occur[9].
[1] Genesis 3:18
[2] Just men
[3] We have already hypothesized that genes are the constitutive elements of life on the planet earth. Just like any other form of life they aim at their survuval, even to the detriment of other forms, genes of other species included. Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Selfish_Gene
[4] The Key of Life is an ancient Egyptian symbol that was often portrayed in Gods’ hands. It means the breath of life but immortality as well.
[5] Viruses, aggressiveness genes, depression and suicide genes.
[6] Through the predictions and prophecies of human survival machines that can, so as we saw in the VII chapter, share Nature intelligence.
[7] At the time they rebelled to.
[8] If we paraphrase Genesis we could say “…and their eyes opened and they realized they were too many”.
[9] In the editorial of the Corriere della Sera dated 11th July 2002, Giovanni Sartori, who has always been very sensitive to the problem of overpopulation, declares it’s absolutely necessary to stop the demographic growth and it’s certain it won’t stop alone, in a natural way. He reminds in 2038 when we might be very near the threshold of 9 billion of human beings, some foresee it may be in 2050, Easter will be on 25th April just on the day when, according to Nostradamus, the world will end.
Translated from “Il Virus Intelligente” by Enrica Narducci
See also:
Ferdinando Gargiulo offers you a new perspective on why new viral epidemics, assaults, infanticides, suicide epidemics and even environmental catastrophes. Always engaged in his research decides to create a blog to offer his readers content of high value.