All this strengthens the thesis that there is a certain percentage of underage people which changes according to the total numbers of the population with a genetic tendency to aggressiveness. In determinate historical periods such tendency may be canalized in ” institutional” forms of violence: wars, genocides, tribal fights, cultural revolutions. When this doesn’t happen, juvenile aggressiveness expresses itself, individually, in the criminal forms we have seen.
The genetic basis of aggressiveness of grown-ups is still more evident and certainly, at least in some cases, officially accepted.
Two studies, particularly, would confirm this thesis: an American one on twins and a Russian one on serial killers.
According to the neuropsychiatrists of the Medical College of Pennsylvania, genes are responsabile for 30-40% of people’s tendencies to irritability and aggressiveness.
The researches were carried out on 182 homozygous twins and 119 heterozygotic ones of about forty-four years of age. “Indirect” aggression, when objects are thrown but don’t hit persons, should be on genetic bases for 40%. Direct aggressions, always according to American scientists, are referable to “genetic faults” in 33% of the cases.
On studying family stories of serial killers, we always find out extreme situations, but not such as to explain certain behaviours of subjects with as many difficult family stories who don’t become, automatically, serial killers or, on the contrary, change into victims.
Torturing and killing more persons may be after all something” normal”enough above all for those who were educated only to violence, but nowadays nobody was educated to necrophilia or cannibalism.
The latter perversion is the one that more attracts attention in the last cases of serial killers. In some Russian towns there was a high concentration of cannibal murders[1]. Some of them tried to excuse themselves saying their disability pension of one hundred thousand roubles a month, less than 20 euros, didn’t let them buy food.
From this to kill and preserve salted or boil friends and acquaintances the step is really huge[2].
Cannibal murders has been discovered all over the world.
In India they acted in couple to kill and eat up the heart of the same person. In Pennsylvania a multiple homicide who wasn’t satisfied with torturing human beings and feeding on human flesh, forced his victims to do the same. Also young people occasionally feed on human flesh or better drink human blood since they are convinced this way, like a Canadian boy of fourteen years of age, to get special powers.
The association between genes and violence is confirmed by the researchers of Johns Hopkins University. They discovered male rats can be turned into violent rapists or very cruel ” rat killers” by depriving them of a gene which produces nitric oxide in the cerebral mechanism; this molecule lets brain cells communicate among them. The ones which had undergone this ” treatment “ killed the other male rats living in th same cage, a real massacre, and tried frenetically to mate with female rats, even if the latter weren’t on heat and showed evident signs of disapproval[3].
The admiration caused by serial killers is disconcerting, but not surprising for our thesis. Many of them, while in prison, receive hundreds of letters from admirers and some like Jeffrey Dahmer,, the cannibal murder from Milwaukee, even substantial sums of money.
Some of these admirers worry the same murders so as they think their duty to infom authorities
In Verona, Gianfranco Stevanin, charged with killing and burying six prostitutes, has become a real myth, so admired as to make some people desire to emulate him.
In prison he receives a great deal of letters of comfort and support.
He was dedicated the refrains of the fans of the stadium Bentegodi.” They are imitators of horror”-Stevanin himself branded them, during the trial where he was the defendant.” We need to stop them– asks the peasant on trial, taking out the letters he had got, as evidences of this wicked custom.
[1] The most striking concentration of serial killers was in the town of Rostov on the river Don, home of Andrei Cicatilo, executed to have murdered 52 persons. Alexander Bukhanovski, a Russian psychiatrist, a specialist in criminal cases has studied serial killers for a lot of years and among them the same Cicatilo. Besides a difficult childhood he noticed, in most multiple homicides, the genetic peculiarity they have 47 chromosomes rather than 46,with a chromosome y more.” This doesn’t mean-Bukhanovski states-criminality is hereditary but biological inheritance represents a possible territory where to grow criminal tendencies”.
[2] The only new thing as to our thesis is the consideration (see chapter VIII: “The child has a product”) that also in times of recession the human being with his surplus is however a product that may be found, even free.
[3] The research, published by Nature, doesn’t mean that the lack of nitric oxide causes ” alone ” a criminal behaviour. “But- a scientist explained –is the first time a substance shows it can influence the character and the personality”.
Translated from “Il Virus Intelligente” by Enrica Narducci
To be continued in:
7) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Seventh Part)
8) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Eighth Part)
9)Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Ninth Part)
10) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness ((Rebellious Angels Tenth Part)
See also:
1) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels First Part)
2) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Second Part)
3) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Third Part)
4) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Fourth Part)
5) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness ( Rebellious Angels Fifth Part)
Ferdinando Gargiulo offers you a new perspective on why new viral epidemics, assaults, infanticides, suicide epidemics and even environmental catastrophes. Always engaged in his research decides to create a blog to offer his readers content of high value.