Not long ago a particularly aggressive man behaviour was said bestial; since they were acts induced by the genetic-animal inheritance the definition was partly appropriate. Now the word monster[1],[2] is used for those who commit the most brutal actions.
In the meaning of“wonderful”the word monster has a sense when referred to some human behaviours.
Lacking other factors( famine-predation-illness), man’s monstruous behaviours might be intended for keeping balance in the ecosystem. To be horrified by such hypothesis should be as if a doctor were horrified by the monstrous behaviour of cancer inside a human organism: he can do so, but cancer doesn’t disappear for this.
How can we explain, in a different way,the“culture of cannibalism”which, likewise other abnormal cultures like the culture of suicide[3], is spreading in the so called civil society?
Movies like“Hannibal the cannibal”, but above all the great deal of cases of horror imitators, are a confirmation that a genetic-cultural incentive to eliminate as many people as possible with any means exists (Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness).
The only one real motive urging Marc Sappington, a twenty-two-year old fellow from Kansas City, to kill his victims was, according to Vince Davemport, the officer of the local police, cannibalism.
After the arrest Sappington declared that Satan, he said he was in touch with, should have been the one who had ordered him to kill, after anticipating the end of the world.
But wasn’t just Lucifer[4] a“rebellious angel”?
And so as in the remote past these gene-demons ” light bearers”induced man to commit the original sin, emancipating him from Nature- God, couldn’t the same gene-rebellious angels[5] press animal man to rebel against Man-God before the latter chokes to death life itself?
A layout error, by delaying the final drawing up of the text, has let us insert the case of Harold Schipman, the fifty-six year old doctor who might become the biggest serial killer od all times.
In 2000 Schipman had been sentenced to fifteen life imprisonments for as many homicides, but the investigation was reopened because the inquiries pointed out many more suspicious deaths in the hospital where he had worked.
An Eva Lyons from Todmorden had been the first homicide he committed in 1975; afterwards, for twenty-three years, that is until 1998, Schipman had been acting undisturbed and had killed one hundred seventy-one women and forty-four men between forty-one and ninety-three years of age.
Only the error to forgery, in his favour, Kathleen Grundy’s will, one of his victims was fatal to him because this finally induced authorities to open their eyes.
The one who is now called Dr. Death by media would always act in the same way: he would see the old patients and inject them a lethal dose of diamorfine, the scientific name of heroin. Surprisingly he had always been able to find a plausible reason, in their relatives’ opinion, to explain those sudden deaths.
Schipman has never admitted his guilt and therefore he didn’t want or couldn’t explain the reason why he behaved like that.
As usual it was tried to find out some explanations:
In order to extort the secret from him, Dr. Death was shut in a cell made up of a brick wall on three sides and a wall, the one facing the corridor, of a slab of plexiglass with warders standing in front of it night and day and with the lights always on.
No more motive, except an only case of forgery of a will in his favour, has been found till now.
Among all the possible hypotheses, probably, none of them will never be demonstrated. Why not hypothesize Schipman might think more or less consciously that his mission[6] was, as a doctor, to eliminate old or anyhow sick subjects? Didn’t the two old ladies of the movie” Arsenic and old lace” have a philanthropic aim? They would kill old and alone men and then bury them in the cellar of their own house.
[1] In Latin monstrum is translated with prodigy, all that is extraordinary.
[2] In the Italian language the etymologic meaning of monster “prodigy, an extraordinary thing, against nature derives its meaning directly from monere(Latin): to inform, that’s about to inform, according to an idea of the ancients, men about God’s will. “Quoad moneat voluntatem deorum (Festo).
[3] See chapter VI:”Le Mal de Vivre”.
[4] Demon “light bearer”
[5] To induce man to destroy himself Satan can take possession of his wife. So Kevin Artz, the owner of a restaurant at Jakson in Michigan (USA) asserted at the trial where he was charged with uxoricide and cannibalism. In conformity with his job the homicide, after killing her, tore his wife to pieces and cooked them( Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness).
[6] In the last months, before being arrested, Schipman had translated Harry Potter’s books into Braille, the blind’s language.
[7] Original title” Arsenic and old lace”. Year1944. Written by Joseph Kesserling and directed by Frank Capra the movie had, as the main actor, a very good Cary Grant in the role of an ingenuous nephew. At first he thinks his relatives are all mad and then he discovers he doesn’t actually belong to their family.
Translated from “Il Virus Intelligente” by Enrica Narducci
To be continued in:
IX) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Ninth Part)
X) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Tenth Part)
See also:
I) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels First Part)
II) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Second Part)
III) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Third Part)
IV) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Fourth Part)
V) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Fifth Part)
VI) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Sixth Part)
7) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Seventh Part)
Ferdinando Gargiulo offers you a new perspective on why new viral epidemics, assaults, infanticides, suicide epidemics and even environmental catastrophes. Always engaged in his research decides to create a blog to offer his readers content of high value.