When we speak of the so called child cruelty, we do nothing but state that gene tyranny manifests itself, in a direct way, in uneducated subjects.Evident examples of juvenile or anyway adolescent aggressiveness are the clashes among gangs( Los Angeles, San Francisco, Bronx), but also fights among ultras of different teams and, till some years ago, between camrades and fascists[1]
In these fights there are more factors: genetic aggressiveness, the need to find an identity in a group, passing from the child-adolescent state to the adult one through tests of courage, struggle for the territory as a conseguence of overcrowding. Fights among gangs are classical examples of intraspecific aggressiveness that may be easily checked also among monkeys and primitive men.
Cases of very young people killed by others of the same age as examples of intraspecific human aggressiveness are really a lot.
At Sparta in Michigan a sixteen-year-old boy beats to death a young man of twenty years of age, beheads him and pulls the brain out of the skull. All this is filmed by a telecamera and the proud murder shows the video to his own friends, boasting the exploit.
In the quiet town of Richmond, near San Francisco, two children of six and eight years of age killed a baby by kicking it.
In Florida an engaged couple, members of the” Dracula’s Club”, beat to death the girl’s parents and drank their blood. Heather, this is the girl’s name, had been convince to embody a devil[2] since a couple of years.
A British student of seventeen years of age was sentenced to twelve years’ imprisonment because he killed, in Mold( North Wales), a ninety-year-old neighbour with a kitchen knife and after pulling her heart out he drank the blood.
A homicide, haunted by vampires, was convinced that this way he himself should have become a vampire and have got immortality.
No less peculiar was a Japanese boy of fourteen years of age: in disagreement with the school system he kidnapped a eleven-year-old child, killed, beheaded him and abandoned the head near the school. In the victim’s mouth he left a letter with grammatical mistakes, written partly in Japanese and partly in English, where he declares the pleasure he had felt in killing and promises new homicides and complains about the school system.
More silent, we can say, a student of the same age of the first year in a grammar school of an institute in the state of Washington. After entering a classroom during a lesson he draws out an automatic gun and kills two schoolmates and a teacher[3].
From time to time a motive is associated to these juvenile homicides, but the explanation is always insignificant.
A boy from High Point in Missouri kills his mother “because” she prevents him from using Internet. In Catania a woman is killed by her son ” because” she refused to give him some money to play video poker. It’s more reliable the reason why four Spanish girls between twelve and sixteen years of age, from San Juan De Azmalfarache, are induced to attack and nearly kill Veronica, a girl of the same age. The beauty of this girl was such as to be unbereable for her rivals[4].
[1]With the emancipation of women the fight among gangs( intraspecific human aggressiveness) passes up to the weaker sex maybe also because of the excess of aggressiveness genes entered women’s genetic inheritance. In an English town, the traditional rivalry between the students of the “Ursulines” and the ones of the ” Richard’s Lodge School” resulted in a gigantic brawl owing to a boy sought-after by the leaders of the two factions. In this case the available resource, the two groups fight for, is the male and certainly the girls’ genes knew very well what their robots should do.
[2] ( ANSA ) – SONDRIO, 1st October 2000- ” It was a sacrifice to Satana”: Sister Maria Laura Mainetti was killed in the devil’s name. At least two of the three underage girls from Chiavenna, who were arrested for the homicide, confessed it while imprisoned. This is the sensational result of the inquiry on the nun’s death who was mortally stabbed on 6th June last in Chiavenna. We can read it in the inquiry which is now practically concluded, where the involvement of other persons besides the three seventeen-year-old girls was excluded. A report of the investigators, at the end of the inquiry, concluded like that:“satanism is the explanation of the whole event and, however irrational, illogical and absurd it may seem, the motive of Sister Maria Laura’s murder is to be found out in Satan’s cult the three wretches believed in. For this reason the nurse was murdered”. We can refer to ” Dracula’s Cult” or “Satanism”, the reality is the existence of aggressiveness genes in the genetic inheritance.
[3] Maybe he also, like his Japanese colleague, didn’t agree with the school system.
[4] After all even Cain would attack Abele owing to jelousy.
To be continued:
IV) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Fourth Part)
V) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Fifth Part)
VI) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Sixth Part)
VII) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Seventh Part)
VIII) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Eighth Part)
IX) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Ninth Part)
X) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Tenth Part)
See also:
I) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels First Part)
II) Intraspecific Human Aggressiveness (Rebellious Angels Second Part)
Ferdinando Gargiulo offers you a new perspective on why new viral epidemics, assaults, infanticides, suicide epidemics and even environmental catastrophes. Always engaged in his research decides to create a blog to offer his readers content of high value.